Learn Casino Tips to Win More Money!

I will share some serious winning strategies and techniques I have used and learned over the years at the casino. I will share a collection of tips that can help you lose less money and get bigger wins!

Learn casino tips #1 – When it comes to the slot machines, the higher paying machines you play will pay the most. They have higher pay out ratios. You will also find looser paying machines near the edges of aisles, near bars or lounge areas.

Learn casino tips #2 – Probably the best paying game with the lowest odds in the casinos favour is none other then blackjack. If you can learn basic strategy you are set., if you listen to your gut with your bets even better. If you can learn card counting then you will win a lot of the time as the better you get.

Learn casino tips #3 – When you are playing the roulette table, don’t bother making single digit bets. That is actually a suckers bet, and there is no way to predict where the ball will land, or which number will be chosen. But I would say that roulette is the second best game to play while gambling.

Learn casino tips #4 – Always take advantage of comps packages, players clubs and deals. You can get things like free hotel accommodations, bonus money, free drinks, the list is endless. If you go to a casino, sign up for a members club card and take advantage of the deals you get using their promotions.

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